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Friday, June 13, 2014

Thundebolts Project

This is a stunning film about new theories of what they call the Electric Universe which is rewriting modern physics. It depicts a much more friendly, elegant universe than that of the standard model. As Einstein said: The most important question a person can ask, "Is the universe a friendly place?"

Resonance Project

Nassim Harrimein has created the Resonance Project, and has interesting ideas about sacred geometry and the structure of the universe. I have long been interested in the convergence of science and ancient spirituality. It seems that physics and metaphysics are coming into accord more all the time. Physics not only allows for God in creation, but demonstrates that Mind is the very fabric of the Cosmos.
The top photos shows the correspondences between the Platonic solids and planetary orbits. The second photo shows patterns of bird flock flight that follows geometric patterning. This is known as murmuration, and is often demonstrated in the swimming patterns of schools of fish as well. Isn't this a fascinating world we live in?

Sacred Geometry and Music

This is a fascinating image and concept. We are finding more and more correspondences in this marvelous creation. Here is the link to the website posting this,so that you can read more: http://cosmometry.net/basics-of-the-music-system

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Homemade Air Conditioner

This video was posted on Facebook, and is an example of human ingenuity.