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Monday, May 14, 2012

Spring Garden

These are photos of our little spring garden. In the foreground of the top picture are Navajo squash from Native Seed Search. They are a local company preserving seed of plants adapted to our desert. Years ago, I grew some Hopi squash from the same company. You could almost watch them grow. They spread out 40' in every direction. The Hubbard-like squash was so big that I couldn't cut it with a knife. I had to use a hacksaw. These ones are just getting started. The second photo shows foreground veggies grown from seeds of Landreth Seeds in Pennsylvania. They are over 200 years old and sold seed to George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. They are preserving heirloom varieties. We need to support small companies like this so that we keep a diversity of seed supplies. I don't like to see Monsanto manopolizing the industry. I have two varieties of lettuce, Swiss chard, spinach, collards and 2 kinds of winter squash in this plot. I used the PVC frame to hold bird netting over the garden. The garden is right next to our chicken pen, and the sparrows are attracted to their grain. Then they would like to get into the garden.

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