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Saturday, June 30, 2012

QiGong Videos

These are very interesting videos which explains much that I did not know about Chi or Qi in this tradition.

Ready for Coming Abundance

I don't buy all this, but combined ideas that solar energy has the potential to be very cheap energy, and that desalination could solve our water problems; is intriguing. Currently, desalination takes a lot of enregy which is the biggest problem with making it practical. I have seen an interesting plan for a passive solar desalination of water.

Monday, June 25, 2012

GAPS Video 3

Here is another GAPS video. What they are saying about autism, applies to many other conditions from asthma and allergies in general to ADHD, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, and much more.

Modern Epidemics

This is another of Dr Campbell McBride's videos. She catalogues a depressing list of what she calls modern epidemics all of which she links to abnormal gut flora as a result of our toxic environment and unhealthy lifestyles. These are some alarming figures, but she offers a solution. I appreciate her humble but authoritaive approach.


This short video with Natasha Campbell-McBride makes a good introduction to the GAPS Diet. That is the abbreviation for Gut and psychology syndrome. She shows in great detail, that due to our modern way of life, most of us have abnormal gut flora, and that leads to all sorts of degenatative diseases. I highly recommend her book which can be found at: www.gaps.me I have started on the diet myself and am pleased with intial results.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Navajo Squash

I am growing three kinds of winter squash in our garden. The one in the foreground is a Navajo Hubbard. The Seeds came from Native Seed Search, a local company that specializes in preserving seeds of the Southwest, especially those traditionally used by Native Americans here. I grew some Hopi squash from them years ago, and you could almost watch them grow. They spread out 40' in every direction. They like to climb, so I have added some improvised tellises here. These will give us squash the size of pumpkins, and are fun to grow. A single photo failed to show how these are spreading out, so I used Photoshop's Photomerge function to stitch together 4 photos and created this panoramic view. The program works like magic. I will be using it for landscape photos.